
    Thank you for your listening.

  (陳佳琪多年習國術,並曾加入金車文化 翻譯中美文化交流活動)

My Dream Holiday

    Good morning, everyone. Today I'd like to share my dream holiday with all of you.

 (dream holiday應有其特色) 

  字做修改 翻譯社原則上,多保留學生的句子,用字及用語不外深)

    Many people have dreamed of a wonderful holiday that will enrich their mind and body. I have, too. My dream holiday is to join a winter camp in the USA.

    This winter camp is my dream holiday. I can experience different cultures 翻譯公司 make foreign friends, and furthermore, promote Chinese martial art. I can't wait to realize this wonderful dream! How I wish it to come true in the near future!

也願意和各人分享我們的指點心得 翻譯社

    During the camp 翻譯公司 we will go into American junior high schools and introduce Chinese culture to the students there. As for me, I will stand on the platform and teach them martial art. I will demonstrate martial art to them. They will watch me with their eyes full of wonders. I will catch this chance to show the movies starred by Jackie Chen and Bruce Lee with their Chinese kung fu. I believe teaching martial art to the Americans will surely be very exciting, won't it? This is just what I have always wanted to do.          

    In the Cultural Exchange camp 翻譯公司 I will be able to know more about American school life. I will enter their classrooms, sitting among students and learning with them. During the class 翻譯公司 I will participate in their activities 翻譯公司 join their group discussions 翻譯公司 and express my viewpoints and ideas in English. I can also play football with them on the big football field and enjoy the exciting sport fully. On weekends, I will watch a



football game and join one of the cheerleading groups happily. I can imagine how I will crazily yell out for the players. In this way, I can totally experience what American teenagers do on my dream holiday.       




1.把握指定題"My Dream Holiday"的敘述體裁 翻譯社

8.指點教師和學生朗誦演說稿,就文章 翻譯長度做刪改,以把握比賽的時候劃定。

演說稿:My Dream Holiday


要感激龍山國中英語講授團隊 翻譯共同指導,

    In USA 翻譯公司 I will stay at a host family's home. I look forward to celebrating Chinese New Year with the host family. I will let them know how we Chinese celebrate the important holiday. For example, we decorate our houses with spring couplets, have big meals on Chinese New Year's Eve, give red envelopes to young children, and say "Kung Hei Fat Choy" during Chinese New Year. I will also tell them about the Chinese New Year's tradition of exploding fireworks and performing a lion dance to scare the beast "Nian" away. In this way, my host family will get more familiar to Chinese customs.

。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯



5.和學生會商演說稿的內容,領會其欲表達的內容,初步對個中 翻譯句子做修飾或




    You may wonder what kind of winter camp that would be. As I've been learning Chinese martial art since I was 10 years old, I have great interest in it. I have always dreamed to share my passion for it with Americans. So in my dream holiday, I will join a Chinese and American Cultural Exchange Camp in the USA. Every Chinese member in this camp is expected to master a certain Chinese cultural skill, like playing the Chinese Yoyo or a Chinese musical instrument. By means of this camp, my team and I will be able to show some Americans the beauty and variety of our Chinese culture.   

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